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Yuhong Zhu. 2024. The Role of University Writing Centers in AI-translated Academic Writing — The case of international graduate students in Japan. PDF

Despite the recent interest in AI language pedagogy in the Computer-Assisted Language Learning scene, most research studies have focused on the usefulness (and potential academic integrity concerns) of AI-generated texts. Very little research has been done in relation to how AI translation tools may help second language learners of English. This study explores whether and to what extent International Graduate Students at a Japanese university are utilizing AI translation during their English research writing process. I choose this group of students due to their unique learning needs given the context: they are writing English research articles in a predominantly English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environment, and will have to translate between English and Japanese, which are often both non-native languages to them. Through semi-structured interviews, I have shown that all participants made use of AI translation tools during their research writing process, and their patterns of usage varied depending on factors such as language background, academic program, and personal goals. The study also offers some tentative suggestions similar writing centers may consider in order to achieve more comprehensive services for both International Graduate Students and research writing for publication purposes.
writing centers, AI, translation, graduate education, Japanese higher education
AWCT 2024


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