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ToXiv e-print system


Submission guidelines

ToXiv accepts submissions from affiliates of the Tokai Higher Education and Research System (THERS) and its member universities, Gifu University and Nagoya University. Submissions in any field of study, including interdisciplinary study, are acceptable. All papers should, however, be potentially refereeable work of the kind found in peer-reviewed publications. All submissions should follow commonly accepted standards of scholarly communication.

Style for submissions

We recommend that papers use the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (author-date) style. Authors may, however, use a different style that is prevalent in their field as long as styling is consistent within the paper.

All submissions must include a title and the names of all authors. In general, papers should include an abstract. If there is no abstract, please send a short description of the work (up to 300 words or 450 Japanese characters) with your submission. If you are submitting a review, the description should include complete details about the material reviewed.

See the following resources for help with styling.

Submission process

When submitting your paper, you must agree to the following terms:

You can submit your paper by sending it, along with your name, affiliation, and email address, to ToXiv. Send all of the necessary files in one message. For example, if your paper includes figures, appendices, or other information, send this along with the main manuscript. You should also include an abstract or short description of the paper (see "Style guide" above), either in the manuscript itself or in the submission message.

If the submission is a dissertation abstract or a review, please say so in your submission email.

The following file types are acceptable:

File names should contain only letters, numbers, or the following punctuation. Do not include spaces, question marks, or other characters in file names.
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File names should be distinct and easy to recognize. Including the author's name or part of the title can help make the file name distinct. Please do not use a file name such as toxiv_submission.pdf.

Click here to start an email with some of the required information already filled in. (May not work with all browsers or email software) Be sure to fill in all the necessary details. If the email link does not work for you, you can format an email as follows:


Subject: ToXiv submission

I am submitting the attached paper to ToXiv.

Number of files:
My family name:
Given name:
e-mail address:

I grant ToXiv a perpetual non-exclusive license to distribute this article.

(Sign by adding your full name. Remember to attach the files.)

When submitting a dissertation abstract, also include the following information:

State in your email, "I am submitting the attached dissertation abstract to ToXiv." Also include all the information listed above for papers.



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